Senior Living Lessons from a high school basketball coach.

This is an old story, and I confess you might find my connecting this one with senior living a stretch, but I don’t think so. Mitchell Marcus is a high school basketball team manager with developmental disabilities. From his earliest days he has loved . . . perhaps been obsessed with basketball. In watching this 2 minute 40 second video you will see that he ended up at just the right high school who had a coach with just the right heart.

Here is why I think this is such an important leadership lesson:

  1. This coach made the most needy the most important as a coach. It was about bringing out the best first in Mitchell, and that attitude infected the entire team.
  2. He was willing to risk “short-term profits” in order to lift up this young man.
  3. This powerful heart of caring became so infectious that it infected the opposing team, they wanted nothing more than for Mitchell to make a basket.
  4. This whole thing became so powerful that it infected essentially every single person in the sports arena. As leaders we have this kind of life changing power each and every day as we interact with team members, residents, and families. It is important to remember the power you have to change lives for the good . . . or the bad.

How do you inspire your team? How have you been inspired? Steve Moran

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