I am convinced that every senior housing CEO should blog and that they should blog for three distinct audiences

Okay . . . you know my short answer is yes.

Today I came across an article at LinkedIn Pulse titled: Why Do Leading CEOs Write Blogs? and it addresses this question sort of . . . .

As I was reading the article I got to thinking about whether or not senior housing CEOs should blog. After looking at the author’s reasons for CEOs to blog I found the arguments less than compelling for our little quirky business segment. Then I went back and looked at how many times his article had been read and that number could be pretty discouraging for a potential blogger.

And yet . . . I am convinced that every senior housing CEO should blog and that they should blog for three distinct audiences: residents and prospects, team members, and the investment capital community.

Blogging for Residents and Prospects

Residents and family members (and for that matter team members) want to know that as a CEO you are more than just about running a business to make money. They want to know, that you know, this is a heart business; that you are caring for a group of residents who for many many years loved and cared for others and who are now loved and cared for by family members. They want to know you care deeply about your residents. 

Why and How:

  1. These blogs should be published once or twice a month. If you are not a writer or a fast writer, don’t sweat it. Sit down with a writer on your staff. Tell them what you are thinking and let them put it on paper for you. There is nothing wrong with ghostwritten posts as long as it is your heart and voice.
  2. These posts should always have stories in them. The stories should be of your personal experience. They don’t even need to be always about senior living. They need to make the reader feel something about you. Preferably affection, but something. Tell a story about an emotional or moral struggle. Be vulnerable. Strong leaders who show vulnerability engender great respect and admiration.
  3. The blogs can be short. I have seen some excellent 200 word postings. Don’t go over 500-600 words without a really good reason.
  4. These blogs will help tip a decision in favor of your community over another, where they have no sense of how much the CEO cares.
  5. If your prospects and residents feel connected with you, when things go wrong they will give your community and your staff more grace. If things go really terrible, it will be less likely that they will sue you.

Part 2  Blogging for Team Members and the Investment Community

Steve Moran