By Steve Moran

Jack Cumming and I were talking about senior living, disruption, current challenges, and amazing opportunities. He pointed me to an article at Medium that talks about how Google has lost their way culturally and become an organization of 175,000 people who come to work afraid every single day.

It sounded a lot like too many senior living cultures.

The thing that really jumped out at me was that it used to be that Google was all about creating value for users. The author, Praveen Seshadri, asked this question (paraphrased for clarity): What if the driving force for each person working at Google was this one question:

“Who did I create value for today?”

Imagine that for all of 2024, at the end of every workday, you asked yourself: Who did I create value for today?

Imagine that after each standup meeting, you asked: Who did I create value for today?

Imagine that after each corporate meeting, you asked: Who did I create value for today?

Imagine that after each conference, we asked ourselves: Who did I create value for today?

My Challenge to You

My challenge to you and to me and my organization is to ask this question of myself each day, and to ask this question of my team, and to ask this question of those I come in contact with.

I will report back and would ask you to do the same so we can grow together.