By Rachel Hill

Being a caregiver can take a huge toll on your mental health. Now heighten that — trying to do your job to the best of your ability during a global pandemic!

At Senior Living Foresight, we want to make taking care of yourself more accessible and more streamlined by providing resources through our new Wellness Wednesday series. We’ll share easy ways to elevate your mental well-being without taking too much time out of your already busy day.

What you’ll find here are bite-size tips to help practice not just self-care but self-compassion — and bring your best self to your team, your residents, and this industry, because it needs you more than ever right now!

Favorite Podcasts

First up, we’re including a list of some of our favorite podcasts that focus on mental wellness. We hope you’ll find one that resonates with you and listen on your drive to work or on your lunch break.

In no particular order: