No one wants to be sold by a salesperson. In fact even Sales people don’t like or trust salespeople.

No one wants to be sold by a salesperson.  In fact even Sales people don’t like or trust salespeople.

We all are grateful when we have the opportunity to be advised by someone we trust and respect. In my experience, not with standing good intentions, the average senior living prospect encounters sales people more often than not. We are excited to have ValueMatch™ as our newest Senior Housing Forum partner.  Value Match Selling was developed by William Nowell, specifically for use in the Senior living and Health care space. Will has a proven track record of helping companies create the “Trusted Advisor” culture and in so doing, grow their sales and fill their buildings.

The Opportunity

The senior living the sales process can be best categorized as a relationship where there are many opportunities to add value or drop the ball.   The average closing ratio in senior living is between 6 and 12 percent depending on the care level.  This means approximately 9 out of 10 Seniors who want and need what we have and who take the time and make the effort to seek us out, still decide to stay in their home or worse, choose another option.  These numbers seem to indicate that there is certainly room to improve. Will’s philosophy, help make Mediocre sales people better and make Good sales people Great by helping them sell what this industry is all about.  Our heart! Over the coming months we are looking forward to telling you success stories that will help you and your team do a better job of connecting with their prospects. If you like this article (or even if you don’t) it would be a great honor to have you subscribe to our mailing list HERE.