Drinking & Dementia, Deceptive Brain Health Ads, How To Not Say the Wrong Thing and more…

By Steve Moran

I am a sort of researcher . . . I use that term cautiously because it implies academic and that I am not. I just barely made it through Freshman English and, therefore, college because my comp professor had the good graces to die, forcing the college to convert my incomplete to a passing grade.

I spend a lot of time looking at all kinds of stories and articles on the internet. A few . . . maybe 5 or 6 . . . are just plain cool. Some are cool but not worth turning into an article, and others are cool, really have nothing to do with senior living, but I am thinking you might think are cool too.

Not sure how often we will do this, no more than once a week. Let me know what you think.

Drinking and Dementia

According to this Wall Street Journal article chronic drinking may be a significant factor in cognitive decline even though the drinker never seems to drink enough to be impaired. It is unclear what exactly this means to those of us in senior living, because by the time a resident shows up in one of our communities with alcohol-induced dementia, there is not much that can be done.  

What is interesting, though, is that these researchers are predicting a significant spike in the number of cases of alcohol-induced dementia in those people who started drinking in the 60s and after.

This Guy Started Replying to those SPAM Get Rich Quick Emails

Because the spam filters are so good, we hardly ever have to see those spam emails that promise fast sums of money just to help move money from one country to another. This TED talk is from a guy who decided to respond to them. It is very entertaining and makes you feel like you got a piece of revenge against all those scammers out there.

Deceptive Brain Health Ads

It is hard not to see the Lumosity Brain Health ads everywhere on the internet. I know just typing that term into this Google doc will likely trigger a fresh flood of them for me. It turns out though, that the FTC is not so impressed with its claims.

How To Not Say The Wrong Thing

When an individual is in crisis too often people say the wrong things to the wrong people. Things that are hurtful and stupid. This article suggests a cool framework for who can and should say what to whom.  

How Embracing Aging Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s

The proposition of this article is that how you think about aging impacts your likelihood of getting Alzheimer’s. What they found or think they found is that people who see aging as a positive experience are less likely to get the disease than those who see it in a negative light. If this is true, we may have an epidemic as we Boomers age, since we are so unwilling to get old.

Do you have something that ought to be included in the feature? Please let us know.