Who Are You Causing to Fail?

Do you take any time to think about the impact that the thing you need, want, or plan to do will have on those you are leading?

How an Independent Living Community Caught a Thief in His Tracks

“When a criminal gets into a community, it doesn’t matter how good your safety record has been. Suddenly, you’re in trouble.”

The Buying Experience — Cars and Senior Living

I needed a car. It took me a week to figure out what I wanted, and shopping for one is remarkably and frustratingly like shopping for senior living.

Just Because You Can Does Not Mean You Should

When we do the right thing, we build tremendous loyalty that over time will come back in terms of higher occupancy and fewer legal claims.  




Embracing Nanny Cams

Imagine taking the bold step of putting a camera in every single resident’s room (with their permission of course).  


Stop Being Ridiculously Secret

No matter how secretive you are, if someone wants to figure it out — if what you are doing is that good — others will ….

Who Will Be the Hoka of Senior Living?

We need a Hoka of senior living. Someone to create a senior living community, experience that every single senior living operator would want to live in. 


Who Do You Need to Fire Today?

I don’t care how good this person is, how much they suck up to you. They are hurting your company. You need to go fire them today, right now.

Who Are You Causing to Fail?

Do you take any time to think about the impact that the thing you need, want, or plan to do will have on those you are leading?


Who Are You Causing to Fail?

Do you take any time to think about the impact that the thing you need, want, or plan to do will have on those you are leading?

Things Will Go Wrong

When organizations are managing risks right, they first assume that things will go wrong, and because of that assumption …


This Is the Story

What made all the difference is the staff — not the building, not the food, not the amenities. It is all about the culture you create.  

90-Year-Old Basketball Players

A glimpse into how senior living can be a part of the fabric of everyday life for older people — maybe even for all people.

These Are My Peeps

Because the ultimate goal is to tell the story of how great senior living is … and we do believe this right?


The Answer Is Clear

It has become clear that we are health care with a strong hospitality component. Embracing this truth makes the case for senior living much more compelling.   

How TikTok Will Save Senior Living

This is the way to make senior living look great in the public eye. It is more powerful and more dominant than any other media outlet.



Stop the Shift Show…

Stop the Shift Show…

Steve is joined by Scott Greenberg, author of the book, “Stop the Shift Show.” To discuss motivating and nurturing hourly employees.