All leaders need to write in a compelling persuasive way. Some great tips for being a suburb writer.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I was very fortunate that I had an attorney who taught me how to write. The most important single lesson he taught me was to critically read everything I write.  Along the way, I have developed a few additional rules that help me generate several thousand words of copy each week.

  1. Reread then reread again.
  2. Aggressively edit and rewrite.
  3. If what you wrote is garbage don’t be afraid to discard and start over.
  4. Have someone who is good at editing and writing read your stuff and mark it up. – Don’t you dare beat them up for all their mark-ups!

While on vacation last week I came across one of the best articles on how to write well I have ever read.  In this article by David Newman at Executive Street, he offers “17 Rough Rules for Marketing Copy that Sells.”  Whether you struggle with writing or are a natural, I think you will find value in what he has to say. Here are a few of his rules but you should check-out the whole article.

  1. Write like you speak.
  2. Speak like a person not a marketing moron or sales robot.
  3. Use short paragraphs.

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