When political parties rebrand, create new messages and new slogans, they think people will like them better . . . WRONG!

By Steve Moran

So the headline read “WILL IT SELL? Dems’ new slogan, rebranding attempt gets mixed reviews.” I am not linking to the story because the body of the story is completely irrelevant, you can find it with a Google search if you want to see it. It could just as easily be “Republicans rebrand”, because both parties have exactly the same problem.

They Are Completely Missing the Point

Both parties have brands that the public hates (except a few loyalists on both sides). They hate the brands and the slogans not because the brand and slogans are bad but because the politicians of both parties have stopped working to serve the needs of the people and instead are serving the interests of their big dollar donor groups and loud noisy special interest groups.

The end result is that “the people” end up getting the short end of the stick.

Rebranding — Good Reasons and Bad Reasons — You Can Fool Me Once

When political parties rebrand, create new messages and new slogans, they think people will like them better.  


People are smarter than the rebranding experts give them credit for. Today political branding is all about trying to “trick” people into feeling better about something that stinks. Rebranding will never for work for either party until they actually change how they approach politics. Sounds simple but it is not. They will need to change their mind-set and defy those who have been supporting them.

Rebranding & Senior Living

There are lots of really good reasons to rebrand: the organization has fundamentally changed; the old brand did not accurately reflect how the organization is doing business; the old brand was simply tired. But it can never be seen as a way to get people to like you better. If your brand has a problem the very first thing you need to do is make sure the problem IS NOT how your communities and organization operate. Once you do this you might find that rebranding does make sense.

But never assume your rebranding will get the marketplace to like you better, unless you really are better.