This would make for a killer website.

I normally hate websites that have video and/or sound that automatically start when you enter the website. In fact it is. this is the fastest way to make me leave the website and never come back. 

I can’t tell you how many times I have been multi-tasking, opening a bunch of websites in various tabs so that I can work through in a rapid-fire fashion, and all of a sudden sound starts coming from one of those stupid tabs. I then spend 5 minutes going through those tabs, one by one, trying to figure out which one I need to kill. Once I figure out which site offends I will be sure to never return.

Except that I then saw this website, where video and music start playing and I was mesmerized. I watched and listened for minutes. Then I came back to watch and listen again because it is so cool. The Alive Inside Website

The reason this works so well is that it tells a deeply emotional, inspiring story using video and music.  Each great senior community has their own great, deeply emotional, inspiring story that could be told in a similar way. I can hardly wait until the first senior living community adapts this same style of story telling. Why not you?

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