By Rachel Hill

Every Friday the Foresight team meets for our weekly team meeting. We discuss current industry events, catch up on projects we’re working on, and generally just connect and chat with one another. Steve really does an incredible job of creating a culture that stands behind our motto, “Grab your coffee, and join the conversation.”

I always look forward to these calls — except for one thing: when Steve asks us, “What’s one good thing that happened to you this week?”

Now, it’s not the question I’m bothered by but rather the fact that I sometimes struggle (more often than I’d like to admit) to come up with something to share.

“Nobody said it was easy. No one ever said it would be this hard.”

It’s not that I don’t have so many things that I’m grateful for, but it seems that they get buried. Buried under to-to lists. Buried under stress. Buried under the next self-improvement hack I’m doing or book I’m reading. Buried under trying to manage a social life, my health, being a dog mom, and trying to be the best partner I can be.

It sounds silly, right?! So many of the things I just mentioned are the majority of things that end up on my gratitude list. And while I love all of it so much, I think it can, at times, blind me from taking in the little things that actually all add up to big wins.

Some Good News

So I thought I’d take this opportunity to share some good things that have happened in my life here, in hope that it will encourage you to do the same.

  • The weather has finally warmed up on the East Coast, so I get to have my morning coffee outside.
  • My goofy, lovable, and at times pain-in-the-butt dog beat cancer.
  • I got to connect with so many of you in Phoenix, and nothing warms my heart more.
  • I’m beginning to plan a summer vacation.
  • And lastly, but certainly not least, I continue to see the positive impact our organization is making on the industry.

Sifting Through the Mud

Although it may be challenging at first, I’m glad Steve pushes us to sift through the mud and muck in our lives to find the gold — those little nuggets of joy that we often pass off as footnotes, when they are the main events! In the end, no one looks back on one particular event in their life but instead all of those little moments that made their life truly complete.